
Relationships in Isolation

It feels like our world has changed so much in the last eight weeks. The coronavirus has impacted each and every one of us to varying significant degrees. All of us now have a new normal. As we socially distance, some of us are breathing a sigh of relief and enjoying being introverted. Others [...]

Self-Care: Why It’s Important

Lately I seem to be talking about self-care a lot in my therapy room. There seems to be an epidemic of people not taking care of themselves. What happens when we don’t pay attention to our needs over a period of time? Depression, anxiety, feeling lethargic, difficulty in relationships are just some results of [...]

By |2020-03-30T15:04:48+00:00February 5th, 2018|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Journalling, Meditation, Nature, Self-care, Stress, Wellness|0 Comments
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